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Privacy Policies & Cookies

When surfing the internet, most web pages load COOKIES in our devices (desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones). In most countries there is legislation on privacy and the use of cookies. For the European Union, this legislation is very demanding. Our Cookie Policy and Policy of Privacy (recommend reading) conform to current Privacy Laws and Data Protection.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user. Depending on the information they contain and how they use the equipment, may be used to recognize the user.


What kind of cookies we use on our website?

  • Cookies techniques: to facilitate and improve the user experience in navigating our website

  • Cookies analytics (Google Analytics): are those that, well treated by us or any third party, quantify the number of users and perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of this site.


How to change the browsers privacy

You can change the privacy of the browser to allow / block / delete cookies while browsing. The following links are the procedures to change the settings on each browser type:


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change the browser privacy to do not load cookies, you may lose some functionality of the web pages you visit and even you cannot make some common processes.

The browser can include the ability to specify which cookies can be accepted and which are not. You can configure the following options:

  • Refusing cookies from certain domains

  • Reject third party cookies

  • Accept not persistent cookies (deleted when the browser is closed)

  • Allow the server to create cookies for a different domain

  • Allow view and delete cookies individually.



1. Object and acceptance

The present legal notice regulates the use of the web site available to you, (hereinafter AMG Attorneys), with registered address in Calle Canada Real 37/7, 1B, 28270, Colmenarejo, Madrid, Spain and with Tax Identification Number B-87918272, telephone number 0034 606 34 78 73.

Browsing this website confers the status of user of the site and implies full acceptance without any reservations of all and every one of the provisions included in this disclaimer, which are subject to change.

The user compromises to make appropriate use of the website in accordance with the laws, good faith, public order, traffic usage, and the present legal notice. The user shall be liable for any damages that may result due to the breach of said obligation before AMG Attorneys or third parties.


2. Access and Use Terms and Conditions

The website and its services are freely accessible and free-of-charge. The user guarantees the authenticity and validity of all the information he/she submits to AMG Attorneys and shall be the sole party liable for any false or inaccurate statements.

The user expressly undertakes to appropriately use the contents and service of this website and to not employ them in any other forbidden or unlawful legal activity against morality or public order, among others.


3. Industrial and Intellectual Property

All contents of the website such as texts, photos, graphs, images, icons, technology, software, as well as the site’s graphic design and source codes, constitute a work property of AMG Attorneys. Exploitation rights on said content are not granted to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.


The users who access this website can visualize the contents and make private authorized copies, whenever applicable, provided that all the reproduced elements are not subsequently assigned to third parties, nor installed in servers connected to the networks, nor be the object of any type of exploitation.

Furthermore, all the brands, and any type of trade names or distinctive symbols appearing on the website are the property of AMG Attorneys. The use or access to the website does not grant the user any rights on them.


The distribution, modification, assignment or public communication of the contents, and any other act that had not been expressly authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights are hereby prohibited.


4. Exclusion of guarantees and liability

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes, without fully guaranteeing access to all of the contents, nor guaranteeing its comprehensiveness, accuracy or validity, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific objective.

AMG Attorneys excludes, to the fullest extent allowed by the legal system, any liability for damages of any nature derived from:

a) the impossibility of accessing the website or the lack of veracity, precision, exhaustiveness and/or validity of the contents, as well as the existence of any type of defects of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, and made available that have been accessed through the website or the services offered; b) the presence of a virus or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in the information technology systems, electronic documents, or data of the users:

c) the breach of laws, good faith, public order, traffic usage, and the present legal notice as well as the result of the improper use of the web site.

AMG Attorneys is not liable for the acts from third parties that violate intellectual and industrial rights, company secrets, rights of honour, personal and family intimacy and own image, as well as the regulation about unfair competition and illegal advertising.


Furthermore, AMG Attorneys denies any liability related to the information found outside of this website and that is not directly managed by our Webmaster.


The purpose of the links which appear in this site is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources who can expand the contents offered on this website. 

AMG Attorneys does not guarantee nor is liable for the operation or accessibility of the linked sites; it neither suggests, invites, or recommends they be visited, for which reason it shall not be liable for the result obtained.


AMG Attorneys is not liable for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.


AMG Attorneys is not liable for the use each user gives the uploaded materials made available in this website, nor for the actions taken by the user based on the aforementioned materials.


5. Privacy policy

The data collected through the data collection forms found in this website or in other channels will be added to an automated personal data file, for which AMG Attorneys is responsible. The company shall process data in a strictly confidential manner, and exclusively with the aim to offer the services as requested and in coordination with the legal and security guarantees imposed by Law 15/1999 of December 13 of Personal Data Protection, and Law 34/2002 of June 11 of Services from the Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Society.

AMG Attorneys undertakes not to assign, sell, or share data with third parties without express approval. Furthermore, AMG Attorneys shall cancel or amend data when it is not accurate or complete, or when it has ceased to be necessary or relevant for its objectives, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Law 15/1999 of December 13 of Personal Data Protection.

The user shall revoke the consent rendered, and exercise the access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights by written notice to management headquarters and by clearly indicating the specific right being exercised.

AMG Attorneys adopts the corresponding security levels required by the Law 15/1999 and remaining applicable regulations. Nevertheless, AMG Attorneys does not assume any liability for damages derived from the changes third parties can make in the information technology systems, digital documents, or user files.


AMG Attorneys shall be able to use cookies during the provision of website services. The cookies are physical files of personal information stored in the terminal of the user. The user has the possibility to configure its browser in such a way as to prevent or warn of the creation of cookie files.

If you choose to abandon our website through links to websites not belonging to our company, AMG Attorneys shall not be liable for the privacy policies of said websites nor the cookies that can be stored in the user computer.


Our policy related to e-mail is focused on only sending communications you have requested to receive. If you prefer not to receive messages through e-mail, we shall offer you the possibility to exercise your cancellation and waiver to the receipt of these messages in accordance with the provisions set forth in Title III, Article 22 of Law 34/2002 of services for the Society of Information Technology and Electronic Commerce.


6. Illegal activities

In the event that any user or third party considers that facts or circumstances exist which reveal the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or of the performance of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through the website, the user or third-party shall send a written notice to AMG Attorneys identifying themselves and specifying the alleged offenses, and expressly and under his/her responsibility declaring that the information provided in the written notice is accurate.


7. Publications

The administrative information provided through the website does not substitute the legal advertisement of the laws, regulations, plans, general provisions, and decrees that must be formally published on the public administration Official Gazettes which constitute the sole instrument which provides faith of its authenticity and content. The information available in this website must be understood to be a guide without any legal force purpose.


8. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Spanish legislation shall be enforced for all contentious issues related to the liability of the AMG Attorneys  website.

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